Noni Battiste-Kosoko, 19, Dies In Atlanta City Detention Center, Family Seeking Answers


The family of Noni Battiste-Kosoko is seeking answers after the 19-year-old young woman died while in custody at the Atlanta City Detention Center on July 11.

The sheriff’s office announced Noni’s death saying she was “found in her cell by herself with no obvious signs of injury.”

Noni Battiste-Kosoko was in jail after she was arrested on May 20 by the Union City Police Department on a misdemeanor bench warrant.

Although she had a $2,000 bond, it was on hold due to outstanding charges in Miami-Dade County, Florida. 

The sheriff’s office said Battiste-Kosoko was found unresponsive on July 11 at 6:36 p.m. during dinner rounds. 

She was pronounced deceased after medical and Atlanta Fire Rescue personnel responded.

Noni’s family has retained an attorney and they want answers. 

Her mother, Shashu Battiste, said, “My child was arrested for a misdemeanor and died in jail. And, we want answers!”

Dr. Roderick Edmond, a family friend, and attorney, added, “We are committed to finding out the truth behind Noni’s death. If there was any foul play, we will hold all involved accountable.”

At the time of Noni Battiste-Kosoko’s death, the sheriff’s office said, “The Atlanta Police Department will conduct a death investigation and the Fulton County Medical Examiner’s Office will perform an autopsy to determine the cause and manner of death.”

But, when 11 Alive reached out to the office and requested the autopsy report, the office said they were checking on the status of the report.

Battiste-Kosko’s family has retained the Edmond & Lindsay, LLP firm in Noni’s death, a release said, and the press conference Wednesday will be held at their offices at 10 a.m.

“Edmond & Lindsay, LLP will send the required Ante Litem notice to Fulton County, putting them on notice that a lawsuit may be filed because of Noni’s death,” the law firm’s release stated.

Watch the news report below.

I pray the family of Noni Battiste-Kosoko gets answers and justice. 

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