Master P Told Monica: ‘I Don’t Know You & I Ain’t Trying To Get To Know You’ + Twitter Reacts


Hold up wait a minute..y’all thought Master P was finished?!

The No Limit Records head honcho returned to the streets of social media one mo’ gin to address Monica after she responded to his 7-minute IG press conference about his brother, C-Murder.

In his video, P questioned how she could be his brother’s “ride or die” when she just got divorced last year.

To that, Monica responded:

@masterp I have been respectful towards you and you have refused to do the same! You can NOT speak on me because you do not know me! I have only conversed with Silkk! This matter is between you MEN, you’re brothers! Leave me out of this because my efforts have BEEN the same! I just didn’t see the need to post it! Check the visiting lists from The Parish to Angola to Hunts or better yet ask his children! You responded before you READ! I connected him to Kim 7 months ago he’s never not be able to hit me, my mother or brother and get what he needs! FOCUS ON HIS FREEDOM!

Welp…Percy had a very clear and precise message for Mo – “I don’t know you and I ain’t trying to get to know you!”

They’ve been slammin my name. I’ve been trying to keep the peace and stay out the way but enough is enough. I ain’t got sh*t to hide. Speaking the truth is not being disrespectful, it’s just reality.

@monicadenise I don’t know you and I ain’t trying to get to know you, just for the record. You stated you have been on C’s visiting list since Parish, that’s over 18 years and how long have you known KimK, you just now got your bff to send out a tweet. I guess better now than never.. and you’ve been married twice during that time.. so you are his ride or die.

You or any other woman don’t have to prove y’all loyalty to our family, if y’all agenda is real and it’s to help get him out then do it and stop talking. The mission for my family is always going to be about getting my brother’s freedom, we’re family no matter what happens we gone always be brothers.

This is not about me, I’m standing up for the older people in my family that have been getting disrespected and disregarded for too long when they’ve been there for C since day one. The truth needs to be told, it might make some uncomfortable but it is well overdue, that is the only way we can heal and grow as a family.

Now y’all wanna say keep it private. I don’t know her or none of them yes people that has been talking sh*t about me and my family. She addressed me on social media. I was only speaking the truth, these are all facts, you can research it. I don’t mess with nobody and they been slick talking thinking it’s funny. So if you don’t want to hear more truth, keep my name out y’all mouth. Y’all been playing with me since last week with this fake shit. Now it got real. What the enemy meant for evil, God will use for our good. @silkktheshocker @cmurder #FamilyOverEverything #FreeCoreyMiller

See the original post below:

He has since deleted the post.

Social media is ablaze as people react to the unexpected rift between Master P and Mo.

Peep the tweets:

Lawd hammercy! Fix it Nola Jesus!

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  1. I think she need to stay in her lane !!! This is obviously a personal issue between two brothers . Her feelings for C Murder has nothing to do with the situation at hand .

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