Vanessa Bryant Shares A Special Birthday Message To Kobe


Today would have been Kobe Bryant’s 43rd birthday and Vanessa Bryant took to her IG account to share her eternal love for her late husband.

She posted to her IG account, “Happy birthday, Papi. Te Amo por siempre. Amor Eterno. ❤️???? 43.”


Te Amo por siempre. – I love you forever.

Amor Eterno. – Eternal love.

See the original IG post below:

It is still hard to believe Kobe and GiGi and the other 7 people on the plane are no longer here.

Kobe’s impact on the world will live on forever, and so will Vanessa’s love for him.

Happy 43rd birthday Kobe! May you rest in power.

Shouts out to Vanessa Bryant for sharing her heart today.

What is your favorite Kobe memory?

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