Surprisingly, Some NFL Stadiums Are Allowing Fans Week 1

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Even though the Coronavirus numbers are still rising across America, the NFL has decided to allow some fans in the stadiums Week 1.

The NFL has left the decision to allow fans in the stadium up to its teams, but they must coordinate with local officials.

The fans that do attend games will be required to wear mask.

Most NFL teams have opted not to have fans in the stadium Week 1, but those that opted in will have a limited number of spectators.

The teams that will have fans in attendance Week 1 are:

The Miami Dolphins will allow 13,000 fans.

The Indianapolis Colts will allow 10,500 fans.

The Jacksonville Jaguars will allow 17,000 fans.

The Kansas City Chiefs will allow 16,000 fans.

The Dallas Cowboys will allow fans but they have not announced their capacity limits.

With the Coronavirus still running rampant in these streets, I don’t think this is a good idea.

At the end of the day, it’s all about money for the NFL teams.

Many NFL teams that are not allowing fans Week 1 plan to have fans in attendance later in the season.

Do you think the NFL should allow fans in the stadiums Week 1?

Source: The Washington Post

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