Mario Remembers His Late Mother With Heartfelt Tribute


Mario took to social media on Monday to pay tribute to his late mother, Shawntia Hardaway

The R&B singer said he couldn’t bring himself to post the tribute on Mother’s Day because he couldn’t find the words.

However, when he did, the words were beautiful. 

Related: CONDOLENCES: Mario Mourns His Mother’s Passing – ‘I Love You Eternally’ (Video)

Mario wrote:

One of the last pictures you sent me from your phone… I couldn’t find the words yesterday… What is love? You showed me that Love is Consciousness taking on many forms, many expressions.

It endorse beyond the threshold of pain and expands beyond the comprehension of mind. Love is the ego killer, a rebirth into a knew realm of understanding one another. Love comes out of darkness into light and holds it’s space FIRMLY. Love is theee action that quantifies a union into a purposeful journey.

You taught me love on so many levels even when I didn’t/don’t understand how. It is beyond my comprehension. You are in part the reason I continue to search the depths of my soul to understand love and the lack there of. To bring fragments into wholeness. Thank you and i love you eternally.


See Mario’s original post below:

Sending love to Mario and all who have angel mothers. 

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