Claudia Jordan Speaks Out About Her Past Abusive Relationship With Medina Islam, He Denies Allegations

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Claudia Jordan has broken her silence about her past abusive relationship with Medina Islam.

The model and Fox Soul host said she was inspired by Megan The Stallion to stop protecting abusive Black men.

During an episode of “Cocktails with Queens,” Claudia opened up about her abusive relationship and recalled an incident where Medina, who is currently starring on “Marriage Boot Camp” as Phaedra Parks‘ love interest, body-slammed her into a toilet so hard that it cracked the porcelain.

Watch as Claudia gives the scoop below:

Medina Islam took to the streets of Instagram and offered a dissertation in response to the allegations.

I am a lot of things, but one thing I am not is some WWF wrestler body slamming women across toilets. This is Pathetic, Trifling & Desperate.

4yrs ago, I dated Claudia Jordan. It lasted 6months….6months y’all. I got socks and draws older than that. I left her 4 times in 6months because of her mouth and messy ways.

On August 28, 2016 I had enough and left for good. She began having a temper tantrum as I left peacefully she grabbed my phone ran and started flopping all over the house. For 4 years I remained silent, out of respect for you and to save you your last ounce of dignity. But you have proven to be deeply conflicted and desperately seeking a storyline for blogs. Funny thing is for someone so “top notch” why are you so obsessed with little ol’ me. I have only known u for 6 months of my life!

U have a history of this and I had enough so I bounced. This is a joke! U do this to every man that leaves you.

You testified against Mike Tyson to have him locked up for rape back in the day. You sued Price is Right for sexual allegations. You snitched on Jaimie Foxx’s private relationship with Katie Homes and had Entertainment Tonight come to your house so u can publicly apologize. I even tried to help u with your career and filmed a comeback episode for you on Housewives of Atlanta with Cynthia Bailey that never aired because I left you.

Why can’t you move on with your life? One thing I don’t care about is fame. But apparently you do!

Could it be that 4yrs ago u were trying to use me to get on Marriage BootCamp and you were rejected?

Could it be that you were calling TMZ on yo’ self to stage every paparazzi encounter we ever had?

September 10, 2016. You sent some fake carefully cropped bruises and it backfired when I responded i told u to go file a police report and have me arrested then. U did not! Because it is NOT true! I have no criminal history whatsoever. I haven’t seen or spoken to you in 4 years & now WHEN IM ON A TV SHOW all of a sudden your a domestic abuse victim?

He has since deleted the post.

Claudia Jordan went live on Instagram to discuss the situation in detail and at some point in the live, Medina’s brother joined her to shed even more light on his brother’s alleged abusive behaviors.

Watch below:

Following the live, Claudia Jordan posted shocking receipts of the abuse.

She wrote:

Real receipts. Not fake ones.
1) back trauma
2) cracked toilet that had to be replaced
3) convo with building manager about the time he broke in and I advised them NOT to give him access or a key after he broke in Thru my window and damaged the screen.
4) his ID and proof of his real age (7 years older that he says) that lead to our fight because he was mad he got caught in a lie. That’s when it all hit the fan. If you lie to your Girlfriend YOU LIVE with about something like your age-what else is a lie? Who are you?
5, 6,7) He said he’s never been an abuser yet here is a restraining order filed against him for hitting a woman in Atlanta in the face with a book in 2003. (There’s more violence much more recent- but I’ll let her tell it.)
8) recording when he called me trying to get be back (he did this all the way til November and basically the week before he got his BM pregnant- begging to reconcile and even begged me to go to therapy) where we have a disturbingly casual conversation about me losing weight cause of stress and that I’m hurt physically and emotionally and he doesn’t deny My pain. And I say that “I’m a trooper. “ I actually feel ill at how far gone and weak I was. Not in a good place! But that’s typical of an abuse victim. We rationalize.
9) Today he posts my bruise pics I sent him after his email acting like he had no idea what he did to me.
10) an email with BOTH our responses (not just HIS weird gaslighting responses to me) where I tell him he’s lying and he and quote him when he said “would you rather me abandon you or RAY RICE you?” What non violent man says that?

Ok I’m done proving MY TRUTH. But sometimes you gotta stand up for yourself no matter how many years have passed and you have NO CHOICE but to fight fire with fire. So there it is! This is my one and only day addressing this and I’m done! #MedinaDidIt #Liar #narcissist

See the original post below:

Just WOW!

Did anyone find it ironic that Medina Islam’s Instagram handle is “MedinaDidIt?” ?

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