U.S. Sees Rise In COVID-19 Cases As Weather Gets Colder


Kentucky, Minnesota, Montana, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Kansas, New Hampshire, South Dakota, and Wyoming have reported record increases in COVID-19 cases over the last seven days.

Most of these states have experienced daytime highs in the 50s over the last seven days. Health experts have warned that cold temperatures could spread the virus.

Montana reported record numbers of new cases for three out of the last four days. Wisconsin has reported record numbers of new cases for the last three days, and record hospitalizations on Saturday.

North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin have the highest new cases in the country.

The United States reports 42,600 new cases and 700 deaths on average each day, compared to 35,000 cases and 800 deaths in mid-September. Deaths are a lagging indicator of increased cases.

Kentucky is the southernmost state out of the 9, and it reported the highest number of cases since the pandemic started.

State health experts suggest relaxed COVID-19 precautions and students returning to schools and colleges for the surge in cases in Kentucky.

Kentucky has reported nearly 11,000 new cases in the last two weeks and a 20% rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations.

We encourage everyone to follow the COVID-19 precautions and stay safe at all times.

The medical world is still learning about COVID-19 and nobody has all the answers, but if wearing a mask, social distancing, & washing your hands can save your life why wouldn’t you do it?


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