When Taraji P. Henson spoke out about her experience with pay disparity in Hollywood and the challenges she faced while filming The Color Purple, she didn’t anticipate it overshadowing the film.
After Taraji shook the table about the pay disparity and even revealed she almost turned down the role of Shug Avery – all eyes shifted to Oprah Winfrey, who is one of the executive producers of the film.
Then, the narrative became there was an issue between Oprah Winfrey and Taraji P. Henson, which both women swiftly shut down.
Related: Oprah Winfrey Shares Her Admiration For Taraji P. Henson
Once that was under control, we learned the cast seemingly had the bare minimum from dressing rooms to food, to driving rental cars to set.
I would be remiss if I didn’t say the rollout for The Color Purple went from the sisterhood between the beautiful and talented leading ladies – Taraji P. Henson, Fantasia, and Danielle Brooks – alongside their mentor and advocate Oprah Winfrey to a bunch of messy chatter on social media and headlines.
Taraji wants all of that to stop and for the focus to return to the beautiful film they created.
I hope they can focus back onto this film, because right now, to me, it feels like what I said is now becoming louder than this beautiful film.
And that’s not fair to me, or anybody in the film because the film deals with women who are oppressed — who live in an oppressed system.
Men and women.
And all the characters in that film except for the white people.
So that movie is about healing. That movie is about sisterhood.
When it comes to Oprah Winfrey, Taraji P. Henson said, “What you’re not gonna do is pit two Black women together – not on my watch.”

Thus far, The Color Purple has grossed over $58 million since its release on Christmas Day, over half of the film’s $100 million budget.
The film is now available to watch at home with digital ownership for $24.99 or a 48-hour rental via PVOD for $19.99.
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Source: Today Show
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