Steve Harvey On Owing The IRS $22M After His Accountant Robbed Him

Steve Harvey On Owing The IRS $22M After His Accountant Robbed Him
Earn Your Leisure

Steve Harvey was a recent guest on Earn Your Leisure and he opened up about discovering he owed the IRS $22 million after his accountant died. 

Turns out, his accountant was robbing him blind for seven years by stealing and pocketing his tax return payments. 

Steve shared: 

My accountant died and a girl that worked for him called my lawyer and said, ‘We have a problem.’ 

She had found on the floor all my tax forms for seven years – signed and with the checks stapled to them. 

So, I’m thinking, ‘I done signed and I stapled the checks.’ 

Well, they were cashing the checks – keeping the money and not turning in the tax forms. 

Steve Harvey explained…the accountant didn’t cash the checks he made out to the IRS, but he took the dollar amounts out of Steve’s account that matched the checks. 

Because Steve wasn’t watching his money, he assumed the money that was deducted from his account was just his IRS payments being cashed.

Watch below as Steve tells the story.

Rule no. 1: Always watch your money! 

Watch Steve Harvey’s full Earn Your Leisure interview below.

Wow! Steve is such a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. No pun intended.

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