SMH: Trina Braxton’s Car Vandalized While She Was Voting

Trina Braxton car vandalized while voting

Trina Braxton was visibly upset when she took to social media on Saturday morning to share that her car had been vandalized while she was at the polls casting her ballot early.

The “Braxton Family Values” star went to vote at the Bogan Park Community Recreation and Aquatic Center in Gwinnett County and when Trina came out, she discovered that someone had keyed her car.

In the video posted on her Instagram page, Trina Braxton said, “All I did was go in to vote and they keyed my car. I’m so upset.”

She went on to share that she did file a police report and she plans to press charges against whoever is responsible for the damages to her vehicle.

“I filed a police report. You can see there are cameras all around,” Trina added. “I’m pressing charges.”

Trina Braxton shared that her husband, Von Scales, is out of town and was not with her when the incident occurred.

Tamar Braxton commented on her sister’s video writing, “Atlanta ghetto chile smh.”

See Trina’s original post and watch her video below.

I am so sorry this happened to Trina Braxton. Please stay safe and keep your head on a swivel at your polling places.

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