Miss USA R’Bonney Gabriel Denies Pageant Was Rigged In Her Favor Amid Cheating Investigation

The Miss USA Pageant Under Investigation For Cheating Allegations

The Miss USA Pageant is being investigated by the Miss Universe organization for allegations that the pageant was rigged for Miss Texas.

R’Bonney Gabriel, the first Filipina American to win the pageant, says it was not rigged in her favor.

It was not rigged whatsoever. 

I didn’t have an unfair advantage or knew that I was going to win.

I worked very very hard to get to where I am now.

According to some of her fellow contestants, the pageant organizers gave R’Bonney an unfair advantage.

The official pageant coaching School of Miss USA sponsored all of the contestants, but gave an extremely more generous amount to Miss Texas USA.

Crystal Stewart, the president of the Miss USA organization, said there is no merit to the accusations.

With Miss Academy every single contestant had free training through eight-week programs, in group sessions.

What was offered to each state director was the same opportunity as a state-level sponsorship as well.

Others allege that sponsors also flew R’Bonney to a med spa resort to shoot a promotional video before she won.

According to Crystal Stewart, R’Bonny was flown out after she won the pageant.

So after she won, Miss Texas USA, they invited her to do a promotional video so she paid for her own flight to go there and shoot the promotional video so what Nazoo did was repurposed that video once she won the competition, after the pageant.

Crystal says she has receipts to confirm that no part of the pageant was rigged, and as a former Miss USA herself, she knows how hard contestants work to prepare for this opportunity, and they deserve to know the truth.

The Miss Universe organization will be reviewing those receipts during their investigation.

Watch the “GMA” report below:

R’Bonny Gabriel won the Miss USA Pageant Monday night (October 3), at the Grand Sierra Resort, in Reno, Nevada.

Pending the investigation, she will go on to represent the U.S. next year at the Miss Universe pageant.

Watch R’Bonny defend herself against the cheating allegations in the GMA report below:

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