Melody Holt Addresses Bringing Tiffany To Destiny’s Birthday Brunch

Melody Holt took to Instagram on Sunday to set the record straight on her intentions when she invited her friend, Tiffany, to Destiny’s birthday brunch.

Tiffany Whitlow is a new cast member on this season of “Love and Marriage Huntsville.”

Melody previously worked with her at the Chamber of Commerce (Women Business Council).

When Tiffany arrived at the brunch, she received a warm welcome from the ladies.

But, once the convo began, Tiffany started spilling tea and dropping bombs like Funkmaster Flex.

Tiffany told Kimmi Scott her stepson, Monster, was caught vaping in a bathroom.

Then, she told Destiny that when she first met her husband he was with a woman, implying that he was cheating on her.

Destiny is no longer with the chicken man, but she was caught by surprise by the news and retreated to the nearest bathroom.

Watch the video below:

Melody Holt received a lot of backlash for inviting Tiffany to the brunch, so she took to her IG account to set the record straight.

She wrote:

Sooo about last night (and last Saturday night)..Imma speak on this one time only…other than that y’all can enjoy the show. ????????

1. I didn’t know Tiffany and Destiny had met at my house before as neither ever told me about their convo, which is why I thought I was introducing them.

2. I didn’t know the info Tiffany brought to the brunch beforehand…it ain’t like she sat down with me and told me. Watch the episode before last night’s, she said in my office that she didn’t know Destiny when I asked. Think about it…what in the hell has Destiny done to me that would warrant me being shady to her? Riighhhttt NOTHING so make it make sense or use a little common sense.

3. My point of asking if her exhusband was a cheater is simple….if he wasn’t (which I already knew the answer to, duh) then ain’t no reason to be worried about this old news because as I was yelling from the table “it doesn’t matter”

know y’all want there to be beef so bad…for me to be a mean girl so bad…for me to be a bad friend so bad…???? WELP #sorry#notsorry#lamh

See the original IG post below:

In other Melody news…she announced the official music video for her single, “Tell Tale Signs,” will be released on August 20.

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