Martin Lawrence (Courtesy of VLF Media and Promotions)

Martin Lawrence is tired of y’all creating false narratives and rumors concerning his health!

While doing press for Bad Boys: Ride Or Die, the legendary comedian and actor addressed the chatter while visiting “Ebro in the Morning,” saying:

I’m fine. I’m in God’s hands. I’m blessed.

You know I’m glad to be waking up every day and everything.

No need for people to be concerned.

I’m healthy as hell. Stop the rumors! 

Watch the clip below.

I guess that’s that on that!

You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth – Martin Lawrence said he’s fine.

So, if you still have concerns about his health – simply say a prayer for him.

I’m sure the chatter about his well-being doesn’t make him feel good…and you never know what someone is going through.

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