While women across the United States are still reeling and fighting against the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, Kimberly Elise took to social media to celebrate.
The Set It Off actress took to Instagram and posted a photo of a beautiful baby girl along with the scripture Psalm 139:13-14.
For you formed my inward parts
You knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it well.
The caption on the post read:
Millions of babies will be saved from death by abortion due to the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Hallelujah! #allglorybetoGod ?????????❤️?️
See her original post below.

Kimberly turned off the comments on her page.
The actress is a devout Christian, who celebrated her 54th birthday last year by getting baptized again.
The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade means that abortion rights will be rolled back in nearly half of the states immediately, with more restrictions likely to follow.
Your thoughts?
She is entitled to her opinion.
And people are entitled of to theirs of her. Having an opinion does mean people have to kiss your ass about it. She’s actively celebrating something that will lead to the deaths of people already living and breathing. Of course folks are upset
She is absolutely entitled to her opinion . It needs to be respected, just like everyone else’s.
She is most definitely entitled to her opinion. But to take a position on such a controversial matter and then make sure that no one can leave comments is cowardly. If she is so confident in her permission, take the smoke.
Why is it cowardly to protect her mental health. If people in the masses knew how to respectfully disagree than fine. But many people are mean and down right disgusting because you don’t believe the same things. Everyone wants freedom of speech until there is a difference of opinion. Good for her for voicing hers.
What about the mental health of those children and mothers?
Yeah take the smoke, millions of babies going into the system along with the kids already there. Millions more children having to have they rapist child which might be they uncle or dad etc. yeah good decision USA
Everybody wants to scream “my body, my choice” when it comes to killing the baby, but then there’s no “my body, my choice” when it comes to the government injecting experimental vaccines into the pregnant mom who doesn’t want it. WHICH IS IT? ?
The answer is to stop sleeping around with any ol body. Be responsible.
Last I checked, no one forced pregnant women to get the vaccine. PLENTY of pregnant women, and folks in general opted out of the vaccine, so try again instead of using such a weak ass argument to make a point about a woman’s right to choose.
And if you talking about “stop sleeping around,” then I imagine you support mandatory vasectomies for dudes that can’t seem to stop sleeping around?
Which unwanted babies is she going to take in and raise herself?
It’s more than that. A woman went it with an Ethiopic pregnancy. The dr had to call his lawyers before she was treated. By the time he was willing to help her her stomach was full of blood and she almost died. She might not even be able to have kids. This law is more than about abortions. You have so many vines extended from this tree that it is impossible to take sides. If you agree with one thing then you will be torn on another part. There is no win win
You dumbass..The fact that some people aren’t able to have babies doesn’t mean that others have to have them for them.. dumbass have you seen even one episode of handmaids tale? Just cause you’re barren doesn’t mean a woman who is fertile is responsible for having kids for you..
It’s nothing ro do with responsibility… BC fails and females get raped and molested…STFU
Sorry Kimberly you missed me with this
..another misguided attempt to hide behind religion….most of the atrocities that have been committed in history …the perpetrators have used the Bible and religion to justify…this is no different.
Lastly, if you are truly entitled to Your opinion, than I should be equally entitled to My choice about my health…
and if you aint paying…you shouldnt be sayin!
Abortion should be legal, every situation is different.
What will you tell the juvenile mother whom was sexually abused by their uncle?
What about the college student who was raped, and now has to look at her abusers face every time she sees the child she never meant to have?
This happened in Brazil and as a result women there have gone to drug dealers just to get plan b, which most of those cases end up in rape as well.
This isn’t about “my body, my choice” but why do women want men to enforce laws on their own bodies? It’s not forward thinking.
Also (and I say this as a devout Christian), there should be a separation of church and state. Meaning that religious beliefs should not influence politics/laws, but I see a lot of my fellow Christians are mentally inept.
Does she not know about the thousands that are in foster care now and age out of the system never getting adopted?
I work in the home healthcare industry. Millions of disabled babies who were determined to have incurable rare chromosomal disorders and no chance at a normal life will also be born. Some of them blind and bedridden for life. I have seen this happen first hand where the mothers were advised by medical professionals to terminate their pregnancies way early on, they did not do it and this is the situation. Those that listen save themselves years of grief watching their child go through life blind, bedridden and being fed through a tube. Never being able to play outside with other kids or grow up and have a normal life. Or worse, watching their child pass away during their first year of life. It’s not worth it. Let women have their freedom to choose.
They can give the child up for adoption yet so many kids do not get adopted and adoption is hard for some because they don’t have the lump sum of money to pay for it.
Speak on it.. Man may not care about them babies but God does and whatever road they walk while on earth God is with them all the way. He made them No one shud be able to kill them. If you dont want a seed planted in you to grow Stay away from the act that creates life.
What about rape victims
But there are millions of babies and children who STAY in foster care and orphanages because no one is adopting them. For you “adoption is the option” folks, I hope YOU ARE ADOPTING then. If you’re not actively working to disable foster care systems are giving children homes or donating to the millions of children on the streets with their parents who are starving or without education or without clothing or housing or resources, your mouth should be shut…AMONG OTHER THINGS.
So thats what you will tell a rape victim? Stop sleeping around with any ol body.?