Young Rome took to the streets of Instagram to get a few things off of his chest regarding Marques Houston’s remarks about dating women with children.
In a recent interview, Marques was defending his marriage to his young wife Miya Dickey, and said that women his age often come with “baggage” and “kids.”
As you can imagine, that didn’t go over well with the Black Delegation.
Young Rome, whose real name is Jerome Jones, took to his Instagram account to address and condemn the statements made by his former Immature bandmate.
Read his statement below.
It’s unfortunate that in the moment of mourning and grieving my brother, I would have to speak on statements that I do not agree with.
But, as a member of Immature, I would like to extend my sincerest apologies in regard to the insensitive statements made by my former group member Marques Houston.
We were raised by a tribe of strong independent women who faced hardships we will never fully understand.
Women today have enough battles to endure including the policing of their bodies, equal pay in the workplace, and beauty standards.
It is never okay to degrade one group of women in order to praise another.
Black women in particular are often on the receiving end of the constant negative stereotypes they fight against daily.
As an adolescent group of the 90s, we did not fully understand the concept of colorism in the entertainment industry and never intentionally isolated any particular group of women in our music videos.
We would be nothing without the loyal fans who have stood by us for three decades, some who happen to now be hardworking single mothers.
As artists, it has always been important to us that the content of our music and who we represent as meant would never disrespect women (especially women of color) and his views do not reflect those of the group.
See Young Rome’s original Instagram pst below.

It’s good to know someone in Immature is of sound mind.
I would also like to take a moment to extend my condolences and prayers to Rome and his family.
He is grieving the recent passing of his big brother.
In a tribute post on his Instagram page, Young Rome wrote:
My big bro, my protector, my right hand.
There really isn’t someone like you, you lit up every room you walked into.
My biggest fan, and the reason I know how to rap. I couldn’t be me without you, you taught me everything I needed to know.
It hurts to know you ain’t here and that I didn’t get to say goodbye, but the last time we saw each other you saw me in my element and I know it made you so proud.
Watch over us and give Pops a hug 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Marques Houston has not publicly responded to Rome’s statement.
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