Someone needs to check on Tyrese!
The actor and singer took to Instagram on Thursday with a series of bizarre and incoherent posts where he announced he has split from Zelie Timothy.
According to Tyrese, Zelie “wasn’t ready to be married” and she “still wanted to live her best life.”
So he declared he is “single now” and invited everyone to her DMs.
Read his full post below.
(Warning: Due to his grammar, spelling, and punctuation – you gone have to take your time with these captions.)
Stop trying to convince me that your daughter is not a SNAKE…..
I just want to be released from this strong devilish allure the sexual seduction of a masterful manipulator who knows how to [ convince everyone that she’s not mean of there to KILL YOU ] please God RELEASE ME – RELEASE ME FROM YOUR POISON RELEASE FROM YIUR STRONG HOLD RELEASE ME I BELONG TO THE KINGDOM……. I have SO MUCH MORE WORK TO DO………..
I am single now and I want everyone to DM have fun with @zelietimothy she’s verified now and wasn’t ready to be married she still wanted to go BIG Zane live her best life………
I want to get married and settle down and really really NEST and embrace the COMFORTS of this FAMILY AND MARRIED LIFE………
I smoke hookah at home everyday so I don’t want to be in your clubs or around your women I want to stay home and be the hard working family man that I am.
But, the madness doesn’t end there. Tyrese went on to share another bizarre post where he praised DJ Envy and seemingly threatened Charlamagne Tha God.
From there he went on to talk about Jesus walking through Atlanta and his desire to be best friends with the mayor of the city.
Read that post below – keeping the previous warning in mind.
This is the face of an honorable good good man who works hard to keep his Puerto Rican facial hairs trimmed to perfection and he sits across from his co-host @angelayee and @djenvy who are the co-host of the MOST DANGEROUS MORNING SHOW CALLED @breakfastclubam they are a match made in heaven…..
You never wanna ranch the show unless they are ALL THERE…….. Swipe and see my message to the star of the show @cthagod talk yo sh*t bro………….
I’m coming to see you king and it’s gonna be the biggest ratings and viewership in years……. Like @floydmayweather and @evanderholyfield [ 2 different weight classes ] Holyfield was the biggest boxer in the WORLD who sold king @richforever a super mansion and @floydmayweather travels on AIR MAYWEATHER so where do you wanna land i the end………
I want the mansion and the family and the wife and the 4 wheelers and the 700 acres and to be best friends with the mayor of Atlanta and have creflo dollar mega church 3 mins Uk the street from me……….
We all live in the AtL because I’m almost sure JESUS WALKED on the ground of Atlanta that we as a CULTURE have so much there………..
I’m in Buckhead holla at me but please come see me with my future WIFE……. I am single now and hate this sh*t everyday I hate it bro I hate it….
If you asked what did @cthagod say or do to me? Recently? Nothing I’m still festering and harboring feeling from sh*t I the past……..
Last, but certainly not least, Tyrese went on to post a video clip of a woman and went on a tangent about how he got in trouble for liking her photos on Instagram.
Then, he proceeded to rant about how he wanted to get married and have a wife for the rest of his life.
Damn I think I have a TYPE now…….
She posted this not me……….
I just follow the sexiest people on Instagram and get in trouble for “Liking” their post…….
I just wanna feed you and we go to church together I’m lost out here without my wife and family……. I can’t be stable if my HOME isn’t stable…. Stability is important I got the money I got the [ mansions ]
I got whatever you need I just need to figure out how to GET married and STAY MARRIED for the rest of my life……… Who has the secret? I’m ready to listen and lean
See all of Tyrese’s posts below.
Meanwhile…on the sane side of Instagram, Zelie Timothy had a few things to get off of her chest, but she chose to use memes to tell her side of the story.
One post read:
Never get too attached to anyone unless they feel the same towards you, because one sided expectations can mentally destroy you.
Another post read:
I saved some people’s reputation by not telling my side of the story. It’s best to stay silent through the storms. Bad people usually destroy themselves in the process of trying to destroy you.
See all of Zelie’s posts below.

The irony in all of this is Tyrese had the mansion, the wife, and the children.
He was married to Samantha Lee for four years before he arrogantly took to social media to announce they were divorcing.
Then, he publicly asked God to forgive him and heal him because “single life hits different.”
Shortly, thereafter he began dating Zelie Timothy and their relationship moved swiftly and publicly to the point of him shaving her private parts on social media.
Someone needs to check on Tyrese or at least confiscate his phone for a while.