T.I. & Tiny Harris Celebrate 10th Anniversary

T.I. and Tiny Harris are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary today (July 31).

The Kang of the South took to Instagram with a heartfelt message for his queen.

Happy 10th anniversary to my homie, lover, everything‼️ @majorgirl WE MADE A DIME‼️

Our journey has been an adventurous one & our way may not work for everybody,but ??dem cause it works for US?‼️ We’ve seen so many couples…that we both thought had such perfect,exemplary relationships break up,fold & throw in the towel??‍♂️.

Seen em come… watched em fail(unfortunately?)& learned that nobody has the blueprints to a perfect marriage nor do they have a gps to longevity. We’re all just waking up everyday trying to figure this shit out‼️ How to fulfill ourselves while remaining committed? How to become tenacious about making your husband/wife happy without losing yourself? How to support their dreams without killing your own? The answer (for US at least) was finding ways to make their happiness…your happiness. Find pleasure in pleasing each other so we seldom have to focus on pleasing ourselves.

I know you’ve endured some circumstantial unpleasantries on this ride & so have I… but struggles,flaws & all I wouldn’t trade our ride for the world‼️ Cause it produced the pain that brought US understanding (Alexa play Xscape?) & with no struggle there’s no progress… To be honest…I’d rather struggle with you,than shine effortlessly with anyone else. One thing I know, flaws and all,good or bad,rich or poor…. YOU for ME & ERRRBODY KNOW I AINT BUULLSH*TTIN ABOUT YOU‼️

This is my lifetime investment, so anyone who ain’t ready to DIE or KILL about ya may as well leave you alone and find something safe to do?. Anyhow… I said all that to say I love you… now even more than I did the day we said “I do” & will continue to do so until my time is UP (even after).

Thank you for your patience & forgiveness. Thank you for allowing me the time & opportunity to evolve,grow,& mature into the man I am today. We got plenty more of these to celebrate so I can end this one here with… Here’s to seizing the memories of today…For today is the best it’s ever been,& the best is yet to come?‼️ I Love You With All There Is Inside Me Mrs.H???
Happy Dime Day Baby Love ? ?❤️????

See T.I.’s original post below:

Happiest Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Harris.

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