Ryan Clark Calls Out Kendrick Perkins For Calling LeBron James The G.O.A.T.


Ryan Clark (RC) set the record straight this morning on ESPN’s “Get Up” morning show. Kendrick Perkins says LeBron James is his GOAT, but he constantly defends him against anyone that disagrees with his opinion.

RC fires back by saying there is only one GOAT, and we don’t have personal GOAT’s there is only one GOAT!

Ryan also raised a great point about how accumulative stats always come into play when there is an MJ/LBJ debate. We all know that LBJ is 35 and he has surpassed many records in the NBA, but at the end of the day it’s about Championships.

It’s funny to me how the LBJ defenders don’t want to talk about MJ’s 6 chips without playing a game 7 in a Finals series, and how LBJ has loss 6 Finals series. 

LBJ is a great player, but in my opinion, he is no GOAT! He is not even the best player on his own team right now, he defers in closing moments of key games, and he is a mediocre free-throw shooter. LBJ’s best asset, in my opinion, is his passing ability.

I will admit I was a huge MIAMI HEAT fan during the LBJ era because I respected 3 brothers getting together to take over the league, but when LBJ returned to CLE my fandom ended. 

I don’t blame millennials for thinking LBJ is the GOAT because they don’t know any better, but the basketball fans that lived through the MJ era should be ashamed of themselves.

Please watch the clip from “Get Up” and let us know how you feel about this MJ/LBJ debate?

Do you agree with Kendrick Perkins? Who is the GOAT in your opinion?

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