Rev. Al Sharpton Files For Divorce From His Estranged Wife After 17-Year Separation

Rev. Al Sharpton might have forgotten he was married because he just recently filed for divorce after being separated from his estranged wife for 17 years.

He submitted the divorce paperwork on Thursday in New York City.

Rev. Sharpton met his wife Kathy Jordan in the ’70s while touring with James Brown. Kathy was a backup singer.

They married in 1980, and they were together for 24 years before they separated in 2004.

Rev. Sharpton has dated multiple women since the separation, and he has been in a relationship with his current girlfriend the beautiful Aisha McShaw since 2013.

I’m sure Aisha is keeping him young.

Rev. Sharpton has 2 adult daughters with Kathy.

It is unknown at this time if either party will be seeking spousal support.

I guess Rev. Al Sharpton’s logic is that it’s better late than never.

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Source: TMZ

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