Families Of George Floyd, Jacob Blake, & Eric Garner Form A Bond Through Their...

The family members of George Floyd, Jacob Blake, and Eric Garner said that they have developed a bond through their traumatic experience.

Virginia Man Arrested For Murder Of 7-Year-Old Kennedy Maxie Of Atlanta

A Virginia man, Daquan Reed, has been arrested for the murder of Kennedy Maxie, a 7-year-old girl who was killed at Phipps Plaza in Atlanta on December 21.

The FBI Wants Americans To Help Identify Capitol Rioters

The FBI is asking Americans to help them identify the domestic terrorists described as rioters that stormed the Capitol Building yesterday.

#WhitePrivilege Trends As Trump Thugs Breach The Capitol Building

#WhitePrivilege is trending on Twitter as people react to the Trump's thugs who stormed the Capital on Wednesday and caused pure chaos in Washington, D.C.

Kenosha Cop Rusten Sheskey Will Not Be Charged Jacob Blake Shooting

Rusten Sheskey, Wisconsin police officer who shot Jacob Blake in the back several times leaving him paralyzed, will not face criminal charges.

Lakeyria Doughty: ‘Charm City Kings’ Actress Charged With Girlfriend’s Murder

Lakeyria Doughty, one of the stars of the HBO Max film, 'Charm City Kings,' has been arrested and charged with the murder of her girlfriend.

‘Dr. Love’ Arrested AGAIN For Fraud & Grand Theft On New Year’s Eve

Malachi A. Love-Robinson, aka "Dr. Love," was arrested and booked into Palm Beach County Jail on New Year’s Eve on charges of grand theft and fraud.

Joe Clark: No-Nonsense Paterson Eastside High School Principal Passes Away At 82

Joe Clark, the legendary Paterson Eastside High School principal portrayed by Morgan Freeman in the classic biopic, 'Lean On Me', has died.


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