Kidd Creole Of Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five Convicted Of Manslaughter

Kidd Creole Of Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five Convicted Of Manslaughter (1)

Kidd Creole of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five has been convicted of manslaughter in the 2017 stabbing death of a homeless man despite his claims that it was self-defense.

A Manhattan Supreme Court jury deliberated for about three hours before finding Nathaniel Glover, 61, guilty of manslaughter. 

He was acquitted of second-degree murder. 

According to the NY Daily News, Glover turned down a deal that would have given him a 10-year sentence in exchange for a guilty plea to manslaughter. 

Prosecutors claim Nathaniel Glover encountered John Jolly on August 1, 2017, while he was walking to work. 

Glover had a steak knife hidden up his sleeve when Jolly approached him and said “What’s up?”

Assistant District Attorney Mark Dahl said Glover interpreted it as a sexual come-on and became annoyed. 

Glover walked past Jolly, turned around, met him chest-to-chest, and stabbed him twice. 

Dahl argued that Glover washed off the knife and changed his clothes as soon as he got to work and when his boss sent him home early, he took a different route than usual.

Glover has always maintained he stabbed Jolly in self-defense saying no one with good intentions approaches a stranger saying “What’s up?” 

His attorney Scottie Celestin also argued that Jolly didn’t die from the stab wounds, but instead from a dose of a potent benzodiazepine from medics at Bellvue, which can be lethal if a person is drunk.

Jolly took a final swig of his beer before collapsing.

Watch the original news report from 2017 below.

Kidd Creole, who has already spent five years on Rikers Island awaiting trial, could face up to 25 years in prison. 

His sentencing is scheduled for May 4. 

Source: NY Daily News

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