Kentucky Judge Orders Release Of Grand Jury Transcripts In Breonna Taylor Case, Daniel Cameron Admits Jury Was Not Asked To Consider Homicide Charges


A Kentucky judge has ordered the release of transcripts and audio recordings from the Breonna Taylor case and Daniel Cameron admits the jury was not asked to consider homicide charges.

The ruling comes on the heels of an anonymous juror filing a motion seeking permission to speak publicly about what actually happened during the grand jury deliberations. 

The juror also requested that all of the transcripts and audio be released in an effort of maintain full transparency after Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron laid the burden of the decision at the feet of the jurors knowing full well they were not given all of the evidence in the case. 

In a statement released on Monday night, hours after the juror’s motion was filed, Daniel Cameron admitted the only charge recommended to the grand jury was “wanton endangerment” against Brett Hankinson. 

Homicide charges were never on the table. 

Cameron strongly urged the judge not to order the grand jury recordings to be released. but stated he will comply and release everything on Wednesday.

The Grand Jury is meant to be a secretive body. It’s apparent that the public interest in this case isn’t going to allow that to happen.

As the special prosecutor, our team has an ethical obligation not to release the recording from the Grand Jury proceedings, and we stand by our belief that such a release could compromise the ongoing federal investigation and could have unintended consequences such as poisoning the jury pool.

Despite these concerns, we will comply with the Judge’s order to release the recording on Wednesday.

The corrupt coverup in the Breonna Taylor case is on the verge of being fully exposed. 

And I want everyone who had a hand in this miscarriage of justice to pay dearly.

Source: ABC News

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