Georgia Woman & Man Deliberately Shoot At Children Headed To School

Georgia Woman & Man Deliberately Shoot At Children Headed To School

On the morning of May 9, a Georgia woman shot at a Gwinnett County school bus taking students to school, and around the same time, in Northwest Atlanta, a man shot at a school bus stop where children were waiting on the bus.

The two suspects have been tracked down by police.

None of the children were hurt, but I’m sure they were traumatized.

The woman shot two holes in the windshield of the bus, causing the bus driver to veer onto a homeowners’ lawn in an attempt to evade the shooter.

Miraculously, the bus driver was able to get the children to school safely.

The suspect is believed to live in the neighborhood where the bus went onto the lawn, and shortly after the shooting, the police interviewed her to find out why she would do something so callous.

Watch the Atlanta 11 Alive news report below:

Raphael Trammell was identified as the man who shot at 10 students, on the morning of May 9, at a bus stop in Northwest Atlanta.

An officer was in the area during the time of the shooting responding to a domestic violence call, and Raphael turned out to be the person the officer was looking for.

Raphael refused to put down his knife and two guns when police tracked him down, and the police shot him. He is still in the hospital.

See the Fox 5 Atlanta news report below:

In a follow-up news report on May 10, the Georgia woman who shot at the bus was identified as Celeste Saunders.

Celeste was taken to the Gwinnett County Detention Center after the shooting.

She is facing several charges, including cruelty to children and aggravated assault.

Watch the Atlanta 11 Alive news report below:

Many parents and citizens in the community are outraged and bewildered by the actions of both suspects.

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