Family Friend Addresses Keke Jabbar’s Cause Of Death 


The news of Keke Jabbar’s sudden passing has left fans of “Love & Marriage: Huntsville” in shock and disbelief.

The reality star, known for her vibrant personality and captivating presence, passed away at the age of 42.

Until recently, the cause of her death remained a mystery, leading to a whirlwind of speculation and rumors.

JoAnn Jenkins, a YouTuber and close friend of the Jabbar family who frequently featured Keke on her live streams took to her platform to address and shut down these unfounded rumors.

“Keke did not overdose, Keke did not take her own life,” Jenkins asserted firmly. “Keke loved life. Keke was not ready to leave life. She wasn’t ready to leave her children, her husband or her family.”

In her emotional broadcast, Jenkins further elaborated on the circumstances surrounding Keke’s death.

“Last night, she turned her car off and she fell asleep,” Jenkins explained. “Her car was not functioning [and there] was something already wrong with her car.” This malfunction tragically led to the fatal incident.

Jenkins shared details from the official statement provided by Keke’s mother.

“So, seven-something this morning, her husband goes to the garage. He sees Keke, what he thinks is asleep in the car. He tries to get her attention. He opens [the car] up. She isn’t breathing. Her husband, her life partner, her best friend tried to bring his wife back, the mother of his children, and he couldn’t … Keke passed from carbon monoxide poisoning. That’s it. That is all.”

Echoing the sentiments of those close to Keke, Jenkins emphasized that Keke had no intention of leaving her loved ones.

“My sister didn’t want to leave this Earth, she didn’t want to leave her kids. She didn’t want to leave her husband,” she continued. “There was no turmoil going on in her life. She had a lot of great things to look forward to.”

As fans and loved ones mourn the untimely loss of Keke Jabbar, it’s clear that her memory will be cherished, and her legacy will continue to inspire those who knew her.

My sincerest condolences to her family, friends, and all who knew and loved her.

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