DJ Envy & Wife Gia Casey Talk Love, Marriage, & Infidelity

Gia Casey, DJ Envy's Wife, Interviews with ‘The Breakfast Club’ To Promote Their Book 'Real Life, Real Love'

Gia Casey and DJ Envy recently detailed the infidelity in their marriage, on “The Breakfast Club” to help other couples and to promote their book Real Life, Real Love.

Gia and Envy were high school sweethearts, and after they were married and established, Envy confessed to cheating on Gia live on the air.

During Gia’s “Breakfast Club” interview, she was completely transparent about her feelings and her healing process after Envy confessed to cheating on her.

She said her initial response was to file for divorce because her mother raised her not to tolerate infidelity.

And she confessed on the show if her mother wasn’t diagnosed with Dementia at the time, she doesn’t think she and Envy would have made it.

She said she discovered the true power of God through her best friend and Tyrese showing up for her and Envy in a way that she couldn’t understand at first, but after hearing their rationale match so perfectly she gained an understanding of the true power of God.

Envy also kept it real about the reason he cheated. 

He said it had a lot to do with his insecurities.

He also revealed that he had suicidal thoughts at one point.

According to Gia and Envy, their book “Real Life, Real Love’ goes into even more detail than they did on the show.

Watch “The Breakfast Club” interview below: 

Real Life, Real Love was released on April 19, and it is available on Amazon and at your local bookstores.

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