Common Celebrates His Daughter Graduating From Howard University Law School In Just 3 Years

Common Celebrates His Daughter Graduating From Howard University Law Program In Just 3 Years

Congratulations to proud father Common and his daughter, Omoye Assata Lynn, who recently graduated from Howard University Law School.

Common posted footage from the graduation to his Instagram account along with a caption highlighting how amazing it is for Omoye to finish Howard Law School in just three years.

There are no words to describe how proud I am! Finishing Law School at Howard University in the 3 years is pretty AMAZING! Congrats to my daughter and all the graduates of 2022. Now go out in the world and be great!

See the original IG post below::

Omoye was getting it with the dance moves. Her graduation was lit!

Congratulations to Omoye and her proud papa, Common!

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