Brittney Griner Sneaks In A Kiss On Kevin Durant (Video)


Brittney Griner maximized her moment last night prior to the Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremonies, while Kevin Durant was live streaming on his phone she snuck a kiss in.

Tokyo, Japan is 13 hours ahead of the United States EST time, so the Olympics Opening Ceremony already happened even though we will not see them until tonight.

Kevin Durant and the rest of the Olympians seemed to be headed to the arena in the video. Kevin was documenting the moment with his phone, getting different athletes to say hi and introduce themselves.

When he got to Britney Griner she said a quick “What’s good y’all!… That’s all I got,” and seconds later she snuck in a kiss on Kevin Durant’s cheek.

He quickly jumped back and responded, “You lucky I love you girl.”

The whole video is pretty entertaining, near the beginning a group of people are singing happy birthday to Kevin and he just stands there looking confused because it’s not his birthday.

Throughout the video fans are trying to get Kevin’s attention and he jokingly calls out his self-appointed security, WNBA player Jewell Loyd (The Gold Mamba), for not properly doing her job.

Watch the video below (The Brittney Griner moment starts at the 1:48 minute mark):

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