Shacare Terry has passed away after undergoing cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic by a doctor with a notorious reputation.
The Indianapolis mother and owner of the Minnie Blessings in Paradise daycare traveled to the D.R. with her childhood friend, Carlisha Williams, on April 11.
It’s important to note that two months prior, in February Shacare traveled to Mexico and underwent surgery for a gastric sleeve.

Dr. Jose Desena performed a Brazilian Butt Lift and a Tummy Tuck on both women at the Instituto Medico San Lucas.

The day after surgery, Carlisha said she was in pain, but Shacare was struggling much more than she was.
I was moving around a lot more and Shacare wasn’t really moving around, she wasn’t doing anything.
She would lay in bed. I would try to get her to go downstairs and eat with me and she just wasn’t responding well.
The following day, Shacare Terry was admitted into the Centro Medico Escanno SRL clinic in Santiago.
Carlisha Williams was taken aback when she saw her friend.
When we go in there and I see her, I almost fell out.
She was on all these machines. She was unresponsive, she wasn’t talking, eyes closed.
The doctor told Carlisha that Shacare was fine, that her kidneys were okay, and Dr. Desena said her body simply needed to rest.
The following day, another doctor was caring for Shacare and told Carlisha that her friend was having trouble breathing on her own.
Dr. Desena returned and said Sharcare was doing better and just needed to be placed on dialysis.
That’s when Carlisha Williams contacted Shacare’s mother.
I’m reaching out to the mother to get down here.
I’m telling them what’s going on, but I’m trying not to scare them, but I want to scream ‘get down here!’
Sharcare’s mother arrived about a week after the surgery and Dr. Desena stuck to his story saying Shacare just needed rest and he told them to leave.
Carlisha said Shacare’s mother didn’t believe her daughter was alive.
Her mother basically tells me that ‘I don’t believe that my daughter is alive, I know my daughter isn’t alive, why won’t they tell me.
Carlisha Williams traveled back to the U.S. on April 21 and learned Shacare had passed away.
[Shacare’s] mom said ‘Carlesha, I went back to my room for an hour, and they called me and told me that her heart stopped that quick.
She hurries up and goes right back to the clinic and they said her daughter was already in a body bag.
A spokesperson for the United States Department of State sent the following statement:
We can confirm the death of a U.S. citizen in the Dominican Republic. We are providing all appropriate assistance to the family. Out of respect to the family during this difficult time, we have no further comment.
Dr. Jose Desena has not responded to any requests for comments.
Shacare leaves behind a 2-year-old daughter, her mother, and a twin sister.
Watch the heartbreaking news report below.
Dr. Jose Desena has a horrific reputation and I suggest you do a few Google and YouTube searches to see what I am talking about.
Please reconsider cosmetic surgery if it isn’t absolutely necessary.
My sincerest condolences and prayers to Shacare’s family.
Source: WRTV