Quincy Brown Details Incident With JetBlue Pilot Who ‘Put His Hands On Him’

Quincy Brown Details Altercation With JetBlue Pilot

Quincy Brown was involved in an incident with a JetBlue pilot over his carry-on bag that resulted in the pilot allegedly putting hands on him.

On Monday morning, the singer and actor took to Twitter writing:

WHAT A FAKKIN FLIGHT ✈️ SMH @JetBlue y’all pilot out of pocket for putting his hands on me!! ???????? #jetblue

See his original tweet below.

A few hours later, he took to his Instagram page to share a few more details (without being too specific) about what actually went down.

It appears the drama began when they told Quincy his carry-on bag containing his meds wouldn’t fit on the plane.

The situation escalated to the point of the pilot physically accosting Quincy.

Watch below as he explains his version of events and calls out the pilot by name.


JetBlue has yet to address the incident publicly.

It’s unclear which steps (if any) Quincy Brown will take next.

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