P-Valley: 13 Totally Accurate Tweets About Episode 6

John Clarence Stewart as Big Teak on P-Valley

Ever watch an episode of a show and by the time the credits start rolling you’re just stuck? That’s exactly what happened to me after watching Episode 6 of “P-Valley” Season 2.

The episode is titled “Savage” and that’s exactly what it was as the episode took viewers on a roller coaster ride of lust, domestic abuse, COVID-19, childhood trauma, depression, mental health, and suicide…just to name a few.

Brandee Evans, who stars as Mercedes on the show, took to social media to forewarn viewers of what was the come in the episode.

She wrote:

See you at MIDNIGHT on @starz ?
Get your mind right now, because Episode 6 is a roller coaster ride of emotions chile!

See her original post below.


In Episode 6, Mercedes fumbles a super-sized bag when Coach’s ego gets severely bruised in the bedroom, Mississippi tries to escape her abusive relationship, Autumn Knight makes power plays that are pushing Uncle Clifford over the edge, and Lil Murda will never be the same after Big Teak’s fate.

Let me take a quick moment to give John Clarence Stewart his flowers for his portrayal of Big Teak. ?

Read 13 totally accurate tweets about “P-Valley” Season 2 Episode 6 below.

As always these tweets contain spoilers, so I suggest you hold off on reading them until you are all caught up on the show.


What are your thoughts on the episode?

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