NASCAR Checked 1,684 Garage Stalls, 29 Racetracks, 11 Ropes, & Found ONE Noose…In Bubba Wallace’s Stall


NASCAR has released a photo of the noose found in Bubba Wallace’s garage at the Talladega racetrack. 

The noose was reported on Sunday, days after Bubba had spoke out against the prominence of the now-banned Confederate flag at his races.

NASCAR launched an investigation. 

On Tuesday, the FBI claimed that the noose had been in the garage since October of last year and it was not a hate crime against Bubba.

Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week.

Well, that tidbit of information gave the naysayers all the ammunition they needed to accuse Bubba of falsely claiming he was a victim of a hate crime.

#BubbaSmollett was even trending on Twitter.

Others tried to clown Bubba for not recognizing a garage door pull when he sees one. 

Here’s some perspective for those who feel like a noose is an appropriate door pull…

On Thursday (June 25), NASCAR revealed the findings of their own investigation and out of 1684 garage stalls across 29 racetracks and found 11 ropes with a pulldown rope tied in a knot. 

But, only ONE…ONE…was tied into a noose and it was in Bubba Wallace’s stall. 

NASCAR president Steve Phelps said:

Anyone who would suggest this was a hoax, I find personally offensive. I don’t know how people think that way. The noose was real, as was our concern for Bubba.

Bubba Wallace is staying 10 toes down. He released the following statement on Twitter:

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