Nothing makes your soul say “YASSSS” like a good read and MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross understood the assignment and executed it at the highest level when she read Megyn Kelly aka “The Queen of Karens” like a bedtime story for her constant attacks on Black women.
“The Cross Connections” host weighed in on Megyn’s most recent attack on Naomi Osaka for gracing the covers of multiple magazines after her decision not to speak to the press in an effort to protect her mental health.
Naomi blocked Megyn after gathering her by her thin blonde tresses.
Now, Tiffany Cross has stepped in to “Finish Her.” (In my best Mortal Kombat voice)
In her 3:13 read, Tiffany stated:
It’s no coincidence that Snow White and the Seven Dumb Takes she’s had recently overwhelmingly target Black women.
She went on to say:
Kelly is really just trying to claw her way back into social relevance and into the hearts of Fox News viewers by regurgitating their favorite attacks, all while benefitting from the work that we do. We’re quite used to it.
Tiffany Cross closed out her segment saying:
You want to act like a high school mean girl, and you’ll get treated that way. Sit down, be humble, while our left stroke keeps going viral. Let the grown women speak. You’re not invited to this table. You don’t have the range.
Watch the video below.

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