Tessa Thompson Confirms Michael B. Jordan Will Direct ‘Creed III’

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Michael B. Jordan will be pulling double duty on the set of Creed III as the director and the lead actor.

Co-star Tessa Thompson confirmed that Creed III will be Michael’s directorial debut, in an interview with MTV’s Josh Horowitz. She also joked about taking direction from PEOPLE’s Sexiest Man Alive.

He is directing the next Creed. It’s going to be ammo, I think, for me when he is engaging with me as a director. I’m just going to tell him to dial down the sexiness.

Thompson said she feels that in the Rocky and Creed series there is always someone behind the camera or in front of the camera that has something to prove.

I feel like, in each of the movies, there’s always someone behind the lens or in front of the camera that has something to prove just like the central character of the film. That’s sort of embedded into the DNA of the movie and is something that resonates with audiences.

Creed III is slated to start filming in 2021, and it is still unknown if Sylvester Stallone will be in the film.

I’m sure Rocky Balboa will make an appearance in some capacity.

Ryan Coogler directed Creed and Steven Caple Jr. directed Creed II, and personally, I enjoyed Creed more.

We look forward to Michael B. Jordan’s addition to the franchise, and we are confident that he will do a great job.

Did you like Creed or Creed II better?

Source: Entertainment Weekly

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