Kehlani has taken to the streets of social media to stand with the victims of alleged “serial rapist” Kaalan Walker.
Kaalan is a rapper and actor, who is best known for his role in the 2018 film, SuperFly.
Four months after the film was released, Kaalan was hit with nine felony sexual assault charges including five counts of forcible rape, three counts of sexual penetration by a foreign object, and one count of forcible oral copulation.
The series of sexual assaults, which all took place in Los Angeles County, involves aspiring models whom Walker contacted under the premise of being hired for professional work. However, once they were alone, each victim reported that Walker sexually assaulted them, police say. [Variety]
Kaalan Walker was arrested and held on $1,080,000 bail.
Fast forward… three years later, he was released from jail days ago on bail.
Now, the streets of social media are buzzing as women issue warnings and share their stories of knowing someone or being one of Kaalan’s alleged victims.
Kehlani took to Twitter writing:
I apologize in advance if everything i’m going to be retweeting involves rape & assault, i am standing with the victims of a serial RAPIST who i knew personally to be aggressive, dangerous & twisted. he was released on bail & is back shooting photography of people (how he started assaulting folks in the first place, many of which were minors) and his case is still open and now his victims and their allies are being targeted and gaslit by him and his followers on social media. some are my FRIENDS. I STAND W YALL.
refer to all my retweets for all of the details on his case, stories from his victims, directly from their mouths. resources on how to support them/fight for them.
yesterday he got about 5 girls to make videos “standing up for him” gaslighting his victims, defending his “innocence” and claiming if he was guilty, why has he been released from jail after 3 years…
he made bond. supported by celebrity friends and gaslit followers. smh.
Read a few retweets below:
Kaalan Walker posted the following message to Kehlani via his Instagram Story:
Kehlani responded by calling Kaalan a pathological liar and warned him not to threaten her.
Rapper A$AP Rocky took to Twitter to make it very clear he was not the one who bailed Kaalan Walker out of jail.
Apparently, Kaalan gave folks the impression Rocky was the one who helped him get bail after he thanked him for “saving his life.”
Whew Chile…this is a lot to digest.
But, I implore all of the ladies out there to be safe!
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