Joe Budden and Gillie Da Kid are trading shade over a petty podcast beef.
All of the smoke began to billow after Complex named Joe as their No. 1 in their Hip-Hop Media Power Ranking.
Joe’s ranking appears to have ruffled some feathers and every week there’s some new shade coming Joe’s way.
Most recently, Gillie Da Kid, who is co-host of the wildly popular podcast, “Million Dollaz Worth of Game,” fired a few subliminal shots at “The Joe Budden Podcast” by noting that their podcast has 22 ad partners.
Charlamagne Tha God, who was a guest on the show, couldn’t contain himself as Gillie fired is shots at Joe.
But, Joe can play Petty Cake with the best of them.
During one of his podcast intros, he said, “I don’t want to hear none of that money talk from you n***as. Your headboard is covering a very small window in your primary bedroom. I can tell it’s not like that. Stop f**kin playing with me in here.”
Joe Budden never called anyone by name, however, it didn’t take long for the internet to put 2 and 2 together.
Gillie Da Kid responded on an Instagram post writing, “When dat money slow up u wanna Podcast Beef.”
Joe responded, “@gilliedaking I ain’t like your lil ad speech…I took that personally.”
See the exchange below.

Sadly, it didn’t end there.
The nonsense spilled over into Elon’s neighborhood and Gillie tweeted, “ After the washed Up Rap career in and out all the rehabs all the beating on Bit$hes Now u Wanna Podcast Beef I’ll beef when u start getting some Ad money #GotEm
Joe Budden saw the tweet on someone else’s timeline and responded, “You selling @ss out here for cheap… watch your mouth when you speak to or of me.”

Twitter has joined the convo…
Read a few reactions to the Petty Podcast Beef below.
What are your thoughts on the Joe Budden and Gillie Da Kid tiff?
Do you think having ads on your podcast is a flex?
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