Janet Hubert Hospitalized: ‘Holding On To Anger Will Eat You Alive’

Janet Hubert Hospitalized
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Send up prayers for Aunt Viv. Janet Hubert revealed in a social media post that she is currently hospitalized.

In the post, shared on her Instagram page, there is a photo of the actress and Will Smith, and in the caption, she casually mentions she’s in the hospital and talks about not wasting precious time because of anger because it will eat you alive.

Read the caption below:

Don’t waste precious time people in anger. Yes people will do you wrong and you must fight for truth no matter how long, and IF you can get the TRUTH you seek…find love again as we have.

Life is too short as I am in hospital as I write this to all of you. Holding onto anger will eat you alive. But truth at any cost

Reputation is PRICELESS. I LOVE YOU WILL, for being strong enough to tell truth, and share your hurts and trauma. Now we close the doors and live our lives. PEACE OUT!

See her original post below.


It’s a tad offputting that Janet Hubert tied Will Smith to her hospitalization, but I do understand her past beef with him has become a part of her identity.

Whatever the reason she has been hospitalized…I wish her a full and speedy recovery.

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