D.L. Hughley recently shared “A Little Note From The GED Section” with a powerful message about not only standing on business but standing on everything he says.
The legendary comedian and actor addressed some of the criticism he received after having an opportunity to go to the White House to speak to political leaders about the concerns he has on behalf of the Black community.
Apparently, there were some who felt a way about D.L. Hughley being chosen as the mouthpiece.
After explaining his position and intention, D.L. used the criticism as an opportunity to encourage others to their own gifts to get themselves into the spaces and places they feel they should be rather than tearing down someone else who already has.
The caption on D.L. Hughley’s post read:
I don’t just “stand on business”, I stand behind EVERYTHING I say. It’s MY opinion, MY thoughts and YOU have the right to agree or disagree.
This platform, this voice, the doors that have opened because of it are because of the work I’ve put in, day after day.
I have never coveted another man’s opportunities or wonder why I wasn’t offered something.
The more time you spend analyzing someone else’s position, the more you fall behind on your own. #TeamDL #ALittleNoteFromTheGEDSection
See D.L.’s original post below and watch the powerful clip below.
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