Advertising Rates

Thank you for your interest in advertising with Ice Cream Convos.

We offer many awesome and affordable advertising options to fit your professional needs, whether you are fully established or just getting your business off of the ground.

Social Media

Advertise your business and/or services on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages. 

We do not delete ads posted on our social channels and we also add relevant hashtags in an effort to gain more visibility for your promotional post.

Our rates:

Facebook $1500 per post | Instagram $300 per post | Twitter $25 per post

Sponsored Posts 

Ice Cream Convos does accept sponsored articles and placements for posting on our website. This is an awesome way to gain exposure for your brand, business, new products, services, or clients.

Sponsored links that can also be added to existing articles.

Our rates:

Sponsored Articles/Placements: $500 (200+ word minimum including 2 do-follow links)

Sponsored Links: $150 per do-follow link

All articles must be pre-approved before going live.

Promotional Posts

Partner with Ice Cream Convos to promote an upcoming advanced or virtual screening, an event, new music, a book release, a forthcoming television series, or the release of a new movie project.

The package includes a fully-optimized awareness post on and a Release Date Reminder on social media with a live link to the official website.

Our rate:

Awareness Post: $200

Awareness Post + Release Date Reminder: $400

Promotional Screenings: $300

Ice Cream Convos Podcast

Advertise your business and/or services by sponsoring an episode of the Ice Cream Convos Podcast, which airs weekly.

Advertisers have the option of providing a pre-recorded ad to be played during the show or having the hosts read a pre-approved script promoting your business and/or services during the show.

Our rate:

$100 per episode (Mid Roll)


Payment is required before sponsored content, sponsored links, website ads, or social media promotional posts go live.

Once payment is remitted, sponsored content will go live within 60 minutes unless a specific post date and time is specified.


Our target audience is African-American women ages 25-45. Our strongest audiences are in Texas, Illinois, Georgia, California, New York, and Florida.

We look forward to working with you.