5 Must-See College Movies For Students On Netflix


For over two decades, Netflix has dominated many screens at the cinema halls and homes through cutting-edge entertainment. In a 24/7 cycle, different genres show on Netflix including drama, superhero, anime, documentary, and romance. 

For students, the choice of the best movie to watch can be confusing. College movies are a wonderful choice for students because they are not just entertaining but educative too. Netflix has a long list of best movies students can find time and watch. Here are the best 5. 

Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates

When you think about great movies for students, Inside Bill’s Brain should be a top choice. Every student anticipates living a bright life and probably inventing things people have never thought about before. This is a wonderful vision but probably you might never have taken time to think about the richest man in the world – Bill Gates. 

You might have questions about how his daily diary looks like, his private life, what he fears most, and his plans for the future. You will get all these answers if you watch this movie and probably have an idea about where to start working on your vision. 

Period. End of Sentence

There are natural things you cannot change and when their time comes to happen, they just happen no matter what, like the rising and setting of the sun and the four seasons of the year. For the women, they begin their monthly cycle when they are teenagers and continue to an advanced age in their life.

In many cultures around the world, some stereotypes brand this cycle as taboo. In this movie, some young women are determined to change this mindset. They set out on a project and invents the machine that will help produce low-cost pads for every young woman in India. 

Some movies are educative and a college student can find several perfect selections that fit for their field of study. I have several lists that I watch on Netflix and because they are all great movies, I always get overtaken by time for homework. However, I don’t worry about that because I always do my homework online service by EduBirdie and I’m yet to find a better homework helper. You can also do homework online or write your essay through this wonderful writing service. For more than a year now, these are the guys who do my home for me at a very reasonable fee. 

Dream Big, Engineering Our World

You might have ever wondered how engineers manage to build lasting structures like very tall buildings, mega-dams, hot air balloons, and so on. They use simple scientific concepts like the law of floatation, displacement, resistance, stability, and so on. 

Engineers build new inventions that change the world today and in the future. If you are an engineering student, this should be your primary mindset – changing the world using simple science concepts to build mega projects. This short documentary takes you through the step-by-step processes they follow to solve today’s challenges with a futuristic mind. 

School of Rock

Students are abled differently and each has a special talent they can use to make their world better. Many students don’t even realize they are talented in certain fields and if they are not stirred up, their talent might die out before they realize it. 

Some people come into your life and they add greater value to you after discovering your talent. They don’t stop at that level but continue to assist you to stir up your talent 

and let it work for your benefit and to benefit others. This is what School of Rock is all about. You will get glued to your screen as you watch a group of kids turn into musical geniuses. 

Gilmore Girls 

Probably one of the drama comedies that have dominated the screen the longest, Gilmore Girls is about a mother and her daughter who are close friends. Despite being a mother and a daughter, they still want to pursue their paths of love and relationships. One of the greatest challenges that students face is dealing with love and relationships. You have 8 seasons and 153 episodes to watch things unfold.  


There are thousands of movies you can watch on Netflix, but not all will be useful to you if you are a student. As a student, movies that add value to your course or education life will help you get better ideas for your course, whether it’s homework, study, or essays. Netflix subscriptions are affordable and it will open unlimited opportunities for you to watch some of the best movies fit for college students. 

Author’s Bio:

Cory Shilling is employed with a writing agency and is one of the best versatile writers there who can work on anything from landing pages to information guides deftly. He also has a great love for academic writing and helps young students in writing killer essays. His free time is for reading historical fiction, watching anime and chit-chatting on social media.

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